
Sunday, May 6, 2012

It's My Party (And I'll Cry if I Want To)

Boston Creme lit for my Birthday
Yesterday was my birthday, and I must admit it was tough being the first birthday since my husband separated from me. Determined to make it a happy occasion, the boys and I celebrated with cupcakes. There is no recipe for these yummy cupcakes, sorry, but since we had a dozen of them and there are only the three of us I wanted to share them with somebody. The cupcakes were the creation of Meemo's Bakery, a delightful periwinkle blue house on West Sunset in Alamo Heights. We picked a mix of their chocolate, almond delight, Boston creme, and red velvet. After dinner we each selected one for dessert. My oldest son added a candle and both of them sang happy birthday to me. It warms a mother's heart.

So why the tears? I took the boys to San Antonio's big free arts festival, Luminaria, last night.Well, there was some confusion as to where to pay to park. The lot was unattended. I paid for my spot (at least I thought I did) and we went to enjoy the night. At about 10:30 I drag two tired boys back to the car to head home. I get the little one buckled into his car seat and head around to the drivers side to get in and lo and behold there is a bright neon sticker on my car window warning me not to attempt to drive my car! My head is spinning and I am a bit in shock when I realize I paid at the wrong place! There are two lots right beside each other and I wrongly thought they were affiliated. So I call the number listed on the sticker and about 20 minutes later this unmoving parking lot bouncer shows up. My car will only be released if I pay $118.13. I don't have $118.03. I barely have $20 at the time. He doesn't care that I made an honest mistake and tried to pay for my parking spot. Nor does he care that I have two tired kiddos that I have to get home and that this is a particularly eventful way to end my birthday. So, yes, I cried like a big baby, then I called my neighbor to come rescue us.

This morning I emptied my savings, my twelve year old handed over the money he had been saving up, and my brother in law threw $50 into the pot. My car is back home. All is well that ends well, I suppose. Meanwhile, I think I am going to go enjoy a cupcake!

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